Industrial Sand Plants

Industrial Sand Plants are used to make extremely sharp classifications for the separation of <4 mesh sand. These plants employ various combinations of McLanahan's field-proven equipment to create a complete wet processing solution for construction sands, specialty sands, industrial sands and even coal tailings.


How Industrial Sand Plants Work

Industrial sand applications come in all shapes and sizes, so they require in-depth conversations between equipment providers and end users in order to create an optimal process flow. Each area should be looked at for ease of transition and complementing the total system's performance.

  • Sizing - Screening off the unwanted coarse fractions
  • Pumping - Transferring slurry from one plant/process to the next, pressuring Hydrocyclones as part of a classification circuit, or in effluent disposal such as pumping Thickener underflow
  • Desliming - Removing the deleterious <200 mesh (75µm) materials prior to classification and after scrubbing
  • Classifying - Making sharp separations with Hydrosizers® or Hydrocyclones
  • Scrubbing - Utilizing Attrition Cells to scrub the surfaces of the particles to improve turbidity, meet color requirements or improve downstream separation
  • Dewatering - Applying Fine Material Screw Washers, Dewatering Screens or Separators™ to achieve the level required for the next step in the process
  • Effluent Management - Thickeners can be built on the ground or Paste-style for recovery of 85% of process water
  • Waste Solids Management - Filter Presses to process fine waste solids from Thickener underflow into a cake that can be handled by conveyor of front-end loader
  • Sampling - Belt and slurry sampling can provide timely insight to the process performance and improve problem resolution response

McLanahan Industrial Sand Plants can be used to process a variety of specialty sands and minerals, including: frac sand, glass sand, filter sand, foundry sand, sports sand, concrete sand, plaster sand, mortar sand, coal, gold, silver and garnet, as well as to remove lignite and other organic material.

Why McLanahan Industrial Sand Plants

Each Industrial Sand Plant is designed by McLanahan's experienced personnel based on decades of field results from many different applications around the world. Industrial Sand Plants are completely comprised of McLanahan equipment and engineered to provide an ease of maintenance.

Frequently Asked Questions About Industrial Sand Plants

Ask An Expert

While the end user is the expert on the process, McLanahan personnel have significant experience, which can provide unique insight and a different perspective. McLanahan has been solving problems for decades by applying the right piece of equipment for the job to get the most out of the application.

In addition to the lab services of sieve analysis, percent solids, attrition scrubbing, sink/float, sand equivalency and durability, Hydrosizer® based classification, static and dynamic flocculation/settling and Filter Press testing, McLanahan can design and build a pilot plant to prove-out concepts.

McLanahan manufactures its equipment in-house, and can provide fabrication and lining material substitutions that meet most requirements.

McLanahan Industrial Sand Plants can be used to process a variety of specialty sands and minerals.

Features & Benefits
  • Make extremely sharp classifications
  • Separate minerals according to their specific gravities
  • Ease of maintenance without needing to enter the tank
  • Lignite and other organics removal
  • Low cost to operate
  • Quicker ROI