Success Stories: Universal NGS Impact Portable Secondary Plant

Case Studies

Plant Location - Perry, Kansas. In August 2006, one customer sat down with our team to begin detailing the precise specifications they wanted in a portable secondary plant to increase production while remaining highly portable.

With a reputation for versatility, this customer required flexibility to mix and match plants and optimize systems for specific projects. We completed this NGS Portable Secondary Impact Plant to include inline conveyors and all electric power with wiring provided by the customer. The NGS Impactor was equipped with a four-row rotor fitted with heavy chrome iron hammers and an optional third curtain.

McLanahan’s Universal NGS Impact Crusher represents a generation of secondary impactors designed to bring more profit to the customer’s bottom line. Designed to generate a highly cubical product of superior soundess, McLanahan’s NGS Impact Crusher can be modified in the field if application or product requirements change.

The NGS Impactor offers unsurpassed versatility in function and incredible ease of maintenance, including large inspection and maintenance doors that provide access to the interior of the crusher. The adjustable third curtain option may be added in the field. Standard with hydraulic-shim adjustment, the NGS is now available with adjust-on-the-fly capability. With this optional feature, the NGS provides the ultimate in product control and allows the operator to make real-time adjustments while under load and optimize profit potential. An optional automation program with touchscreen for adjusting the gap settings provides hands-free calibration for even more control.


  • Material Feed: Designed to accept 16” top size
  • Rotor Specs: Heavy-duty 60” diameter x 60” wide
  • Hammer Alloy: Chrome steel or chrome iron
  • Number of Hammers: 4 or 5 rows (2 per row)
  • Curtains (Aprons): Fully lined primary and secondary
  • Optional Third Curtain: Base mount with spring bridge
  • Horsepower: 450 HP (approximately 1 HP per ton at 1” CC)
  • Capacity: Total throughput with recirculating load:
    • 540 STPH at 3” in closed circuit with dual curtain
    • 480 STPH at 2” in closed circuit with dual curtain
    • 350 STPH at 1” in closed circuit with dual curtain
    • 240 STPH at 1/2” in closed circuit with third curtain
  • Interchangeable liners throughout
  • Produces highly cubical product of superior soundness
  • Extremely versatile in changing applications with hydraulic-shim adjustment
  • Unmatched access to interior of the crusher for inspection and maintenance
  • Quick and easy hammer replacement
  • Optional automation program with touchscreen