Plant Location - Near San Antonio, Texas. McLanahan’s Universal Tractor-Chain Apron Feeder was selected for this project due to its long history of success in similar applications. The quarry shot material at this site varies in moisture content and hardness depending on the ledge and face. These Apron Feeders are known for their ability to provide a consistent flow of material regardless of the characteristics of the rock.

Based on the original National Iron Company Feeder, Universal’s Heavy-Duty Tractor-Chain Apron Feeders are known around the world as one of the most dependable feeders available in the aggregates and mining industries. Each Apron Feeder is custom-designed to optimize the overall performance of the system. With six chain sizes, 16 flight widths and an infinite range of lengths, these feeders are available in sizes to complement nearly any operation. For the ultimate in flexibility, flights can be supplied in either cast manganese or formed steel, and drives can be either hydraulic or electric to meet the duty requirements of the application.
McLanahan Apron Feeders provide a long service life with minimal maintenance. They deliver material at a uniform rate to downstream equipment. They work well in both small and large tonnage applications and can withstand extreme loading conditions. When the application calls for a reliable feed rate, whether constant or controlled variable speed, the Universal Apron Feeder is the most dependable feeder available.
- Material Feed: Quarry shot limestone at 2,000 STPH
- Method of Feeding: 100-ton haul trucks
- Feeder Deck Width: 72” inside the flight ends
- Feeder Deck Length: 28’
- Feeder Flights: Cast manganese pan segments
- Feeder Speed Range: 40 FPM to 10 FPM
- Horsepower: 10 HP TEFC electric motor
- Feeder Drive: SEW right angle planetary gear drive
- Custom-designed to meet a wide range of tonnage and application requirements