Success Stories: MaxCap 600 Primary Impact Plant with Wobbler Feeder

Case Studies

Plant Location - Manhattan, Kansas. This customer approached us with the dilemma of crushing limestone with sticky clay through the quarry. The solution was the clean chamber design of the Universal MaxCap 600 combined with a highly effective Wobbler Feeder.

The MaxCap crushing chamber offers a smooth profile, which prevents the buildup of clay. An expansion chamber over the rotor allows the natural stone to fracture more efficiently. The breaker plate is adjustable to optimize the output gradation.

At this customer’s site, the MaxCap 600 produces nearly 100 percent minus 3” in open circuit without plugging.

McLanahan’s Universal MaxCap Impact Primary Crusher features the best of the Andreas and New Holland Primary Crushers. It allows for extra large feed size like the New Holland, and produces up to 75 percent minus 1-1/2” at one-half horsepower per ton. It also features long-lasting disposable hammers, interchangeable wear liners and a clam-shell housing typical of Andreas Impactors. The MaxCap offers the best of two crushers rolled into one. Additionally, the MaxCap offers “adjust-on-the-fly” technology with the ability to make adjustments in the product gradation while under load.

McLanahan’s Universal Wobbler Feeder is ideal for removing sticky fines from larger material. They also work well for scalping out material with high percentages of clay in the feed. Featuring self-cleaning bars to resist buildup, Wobbler Feeders are custom designed for each site and can handle a wide range of tonnages (up to 2,500 tph) and application requirements. They can scalp material ranging from 1/2” to 7-1/2” lump size, removing any unwanted undersize or oversize ahead of the crusher. This reduces unnecessary wear on the crusher as well as the required size and capacity of the crusher.


  • Material Feed: Designed to accept 40” top size
  • Rotor Specs: Heavy-duty 44” diameter x 50” wide
  • Hammer Alloy: Manganese
  • Number of Hammers: 3 rows (1 per row)
  • Feed Plate: Hydraulic-shim adjust (bridge breaker)
  • Horsepower: 300 HP (approximately 1/2 HP per ton)
  • Breaker Plate: Hydraulically controlled under load
  • Optional third stage attachment for additional control
  • Capacity: Up to 600 TPH at 6” finished product size


  • Material Feed: 1/2” to 7-1/2” lump size
  • Capacity: Up to 2,500 TPH
  • Self-cleaning bars