Project Management

McLanahan assigns a full-time project manager to each project to work one-on-one with customers throughout the entire process.

We want to create a long-term relationship with you. From site planning throughout the life of your machine, we provide continual service and support.

One of the ways McLanahan provides continual support throughout the sales to start-up process is by assigning a full-time project manager to each project. McLanahan does not rely on salespeople or engineers to see projects through; instead, the company employs a team of project managers who work one-on-one with customers.

Our project managers exist to help others do their jobs efficiently and effectively as well as serve as the company’s interface between the customer and our team. As the central hub of customer communication, our project managers are always answering questions and facilitating the communication between all groups involved in the purchasing and production process. Our project managers bring together all support groups that work on a project to ensure that everyone has a clear path forward.

A customer’s project manager serves as the single point of contact throughout the project, making it simpler for the customer so that nothing slips through the cracks. Throughout the design and manufacture process, project managers work closely with producers to ensure their solutions meet the specifications of their unique application.

Many of the processes that our project management team employs are written into ISO procedures and are similar between all industries that we work with, such as our predefined customer touches. At McLanahan, we are adaptable and always looking for more efficient ways to get the job done.

McLanahan’s Project Management Department maintains contact during each stage of the process, including sales, engineering, production, shipping and start-up, so customers can rest easy knowing that everything is managed.

As McLanahan has grown, so has our project engineering team. Back in 2006, it was a department of two. Now, our project management team is composed of multiple members at various locations. Our project engineers have a variety of backgrounds from architecture to engineering to project management itself and all work congruently with one another on our projects.

With the company’s growth beyond Hollidaysburg, Pa., our project managers have become involved with our global offices as well. A role of our project managers is to essentially manage projects between our manufacturing operations and the various global offices. For instance, if a global office orders a machine/system from our manufacturing facility in Hollidaysburg, Pa., our project managers work with them to oversee the production process and the international cooperation.

Given our company’s size and market share, we are able to interface on a more detailed level than many other companies in the market. What sets our Project Management Department apart from others is that personal touch that we apply in our relationships with customers. Our customers have the opportunities to visit our offices and production plants to check in on the project and can meet the whole team involved with their order. At McLanahan, we are capable of making anything happen while still having a personal connection with our customers. 

"McLanahan has been very good to work with. You just pick up the phone and give them a call. For quality and service, it's been the total package." - Mike Durbin, Black Panther Mining