Frac Sand Industry Educational Event A Success
Hollidaysburg, Pa., April 17, 2015 — Frac sand producers are constantly challenged to do more with their resources. As regulations become stricter, they need to be fully aware of what solutions will ensure they are more productive, more efficient, and more profitable. To support frac sand producers and help further educate them on frac sand processing, McLanahan Corporation hosted its first Frac Sand Processing School in Eau Claire, Wis. on March 30.
The day featured three sessions from McLanahan Corporation, including presentations on wet frac sand processing, water management, and plant and equipment maintenance. Each session focused on equipment that will maximize production and help ensure sites are meeting the tight requirements needed to meet frac sand specifications. Over 60 people attended the one-day event, with job responsibilities ranging from plant maintenance to design engineers.
“Even though the Frac Sand Processing School was sponsored by McLanahan, it wasn’t about selling equipment,” said Rick Madara, Director of Sales – Aggregate Processing. “We really want to make sure that producers understand every part of the processing puzzle, and what equipment – whether ours or someone else’s – can benefit their operation. These are tough times for the industries we serve, and if we are going to be successful, we need to ensure our customers are educated on how to be successful as well.”
Although this is the first Frac Sand Processing School that McLanahan hosted, it will not be the last. Additional schools are being planned on topics such as water management throughout the country in coming months. Interested parties can contact to make sure they stay up-to-date on the latest educational opportunities available.