Event Summary
World Dairy Expo allows producers the opportunity to see innovative technologies and the latest equipment in the dairy industry. This show brings together leading researchers, technical experts and national sales representatives from around the world. Don’t miss McLanahan’s Manure Management Solutions at WDE this year.
Knowledge Nook
Wednesday @ 2:30PM with Renee Schrift
Topic: High Sand Reclamation: What Sand Type Works Best
Sand is considered the "gold standard" of dairy cow bedding, but not just any sand is good for recycling and reuse. There are a variety of factors to consider when selecting the grade of sand used for dairy cow bedding. These factors take into account what is needed for cow health and comfort, as well as what allows for the highest amount of reclamation. The method in which a dairy handles their sand-laden manure contributes to the grade of sand needed as well. Join us to learn more about what type of sand will keep your cows healthy and producing milk while allowing you to recycle the highest amount of sand and save your dairy money.
Meet The Team
Reserve a time slot with an industry expert.