18th ACPS Conference Coal Rush 2021

Date: 12 - 19 March, 2021
Location: Australia

Event Summary

The Australian Coal Preparation Society biennial conference is considered to be the premier technical and professional development opportunity in coal preparation. A key focus is optimising the utilisation of our coal resources and operations.

The Conference Technical Papers and the Poster Paper Sessions will bring together both local and international experts, focusing on new and improved processing techniques at the cutting edge of modern coal preparation.

Brad Anstess, McLanahan Sales Specialist for Crushing and Screening, will present the technical paper “Optimise for Impact: Meeting higher output goals with low cost upgrades” during the NSW technical sessions.

McLanahan is also proud to continue our ongoing support of the ACPS with our sponsorship of the NSW Gala Ball on the 19th March.

Our Expertise

New Acland Coal Mine
Lake Vermont Mine

Meet The Team

Reserve a time slot with an industry expert.

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Brad Anstess

Sales Specialist - Crushing & Screening